
I was stuck in a well today. You see, I bought this really good taco from the Taco Shack (it's a combination of radio shack and taco bell...it's pretty cool, you can get a pack of AAA's and a burrito for 1.99, I think it's their #3 value meal) So I had my burrito and AAA's in my hands when I passed by a well. I tripped and dropped both of them into the well! So I decided to do a McGuiver and jump down to get my batteries and burrito. I didn't realize that it was so deep. I tried climbing up it, but the walls were too slick. What was odd though is that there alot of skeletons there with burrito wrappers and AAA batteries in their hands. Someone should really get that rock by the well out of the way. So eventually I passed out due to boredom, and the next thing I know, I'm in my bed with a note saying "Thanks for the free grub and batteries, suckah!" So if your reading this and you happened to save someone from a well who had a burrito and AAA's, gimme my 2 bucks back you son-of-a-bitch!